Super Mario Maker Directors Give Five Tips To Make Your Levels Better
Added: 17.09.2015 10:17 | 76 views | 0 comments
Super Mario Maker gives you all the tools you need to design, test, play, and share the Super Mario levels of your dreams. While many Wii U owners have already jumped in, publishing a ton of levels since its launch on September 11, most Super Mario Maker players went into the experience with no prior level-design experience.
| Castle Crashers Remastered - GR Review
Added: 17.09.2015 1:00 | 143 views | 0 comments
Storming the Castle Since 2008.
This year, Super Mario Bros. celebrates 30 years of turtle shells, green pipes, and all those princesses who are , while comparatively new, is another.
Of course, Castle Crashers Remastered is the spirit of Streets of Rage or Golden Axe. This isnÄ‚Ë€â„Ët a platformer, after all. YouÄ‚Ë€â„Ëre out to kill pretty much everything as opposed to jumping everywhere. It's a beat-Ä‚Ë€ÂÂem-up through and through.
| Media Create sales (9/7 9/13) - Super Mario Maker debut
Added: 16.09.2015 20:19 | 84 views | 0 comments
This week's Japanese sales include the debut of Super Mario Maker, second week Metal Gear Solid V sales, and more.
| Super Mario Maker Review | The Game Bolt
Added: 16.09.2015 20:17 | 70 views | 0 comments
Super Mario Maker is an easy to use erector set of endless fun that any age can pick up and enjoy, but its more than just a stage builder. Its a 30th anniversary celebration of one of the most recognizable icons in gaming history, and the game conveys that message quite well.
| Media Create sales (9/7 9/13) - Super Mario Maker debut
Added: 16.09.2015 18:19 | 26 views | 0 comments
This week's Japanese sales include the debut of Super Mario Maker, second week Metal Gear Solid V sales, and more.
| Super Mario Maker Tops The Charts In Japan, Causes Wii U Sales To Double
Added: 16.09.2015 15:00 | 52 views | 0 comments

Almost 140,000 copies sold, additional 10,000 consoles shifted
| Super Mario Maker Tops The Charts In Japan, Causes Wii U Sales To Double
Added: 16.09.2015 15:00 | 141 views | 0 comments

Almost 140,000 copies sold, additional 10,000 consoles shifted
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